Pretty Little Liars Finale: Fans Are Furious About Big A Reveal

Posted by Filiberto Hargett on Friday, July 5, 2024

The Pretty Little Liars Season 6A finale has been greeted with outrage from the majority of fans who tuned in on Tuesday, Aug. 11 to find out once and for all who A was.

And while a few fans claimed to understand and be happy with Tuesday night's episode, the vast majority of online reaction was that of total fury following the show's big revelation that A is really (spoiler alert!!) … CeCe Drake (Vanessa Ray) — who was formerly Charles!

"That's 5 years of my life I'm never gonna get back," one angry fan wrote via Twitter. "Screw you PLL, you've ruined my life!"

"Hands up who is totally disappointed that #CeCeIsA?" wrote another disgruntled fan. "*every PLL fan raises their hand*"

The mood in the Pretty Little Liars’ fan camp was certainly one of anger, but despite their fury, some fans did manage to channel their frustrations into creating some pretty funny posts (when they weren’t busy yelling about their displeasure at the show's producer I. Marlene King, and the network, ABC Family)!

Here's a few of the best fan reactions around:

raise your hand if you felt personally victimized by this episode of PLL #CeCeIsA

— Tina (@derpstagram) August 12, 2015

pll's fans after finding out who A is #FAceToFace

— ian,, (@explicitian) August 12, 2015

Where's the #PLL writers I have some feelings to express? #FAceToFace

— Molly Lyon (@molly_lyon) August 12, 2015

Couldn't be more accurate tbh… #FAceToFace #PLL

— Amy J?? (@Real_Amy_Jones) August 12, 2015

The more reveals and explanations the more I'm sat here like this #FAceToFace #PLL

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— Molly Lyon (@molly_lyon) August 12, 2015

Tell Us: Are you happy with Tuesday night's big reveal?
